I am set free to find a new illusion

20160229_13595120160229_161405VR has hit dForm at KHiO! After playing around with google cardboard and a few other cheap VR googles, we decided to buy a HTC Vive set. And what a difference! It is really hard not to get sucked into the VR world, even if you know it is only a new playground. Every sense tells me to be skeptical and take a step back. But every cell just want to be immersed even more…


Taking this experience serious, I have decided to dig deeper into the VR world. We have been playing with Tile Brush, and some games. But the first challenge now is to get my own content into the platform. Have managed to import some old 360 photospheres, but the size is wrong. You seem to fly over ground, in enormous landscapes. So here is something to find out. And when that is sorted out, next step is to import my own 3d objects- and being able to move them around whith the controllers.

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